Each Swedish noun belongs to one of the two grammatical gender categories: utrum or neutrum. Unfortunately, neither the stress nor the word’s ending reveal which category a word belongs to. The grammatical gender determines the plural formation, adjective endings as well as which articles or pronouns should be used. To avoid sounding like a foreigner you should learn the word’s gender by heart!
Approximately three quaters of Swedish words are utrum, so my strategy is to memorise all neutrum words as a list. Below are some useful neuter words sorted into semantic categories.
A useful rule to remember: the last constituent of a compound determines the grammatical gender of the whole word. Öl ‘beer’ is neutrum, so fatöl ‘draught beer’ is also neutrum.
livsmedel | 'food' |
te | 'tea' |
kaffe | 'coffee' |
öl | 'beer' |
vin | 'wine' |
brännvin | 'brandy' |
socker | 'sugar' |
godis | 'sweets' |
ris | 'rice' |
mjöl | 'flour' |
bröd | 'bread' |
knäckebröd | 'crispbread' |
smör | 'butter' |
ägg | 'egg' |
kött | 'meat' |
fläskkött | 'pork' |
nöttkött | 'beef' |
lammkött | 'lamb' |
potatismos | 'mashed potatoes' |
päron | 'pear' |
plommon | 'plum' |
bär | 'berry' |
körsbär | 'cherry' |
blåbär | 'blueberry' |
hallon | 'raspberry' |
lingon | 'cowberry' |
centrum | 'center' |
hus | 'house' |
torg | 'market' |
museum | 'museum' |
konserthus | 'concert hall' |
slott | 'castle' |
bibliotek | 'library' |
universitet | 'university' |
gymnasium/gymnasiet | 'gymnasium' |
sjukhus | 'hospital' |
apotek | 'pharmacy' |
äldreboende | 'nursing home' |
trafikljus | 'traffic light' |
övergångsställe | 'zebra crossing' |
hotell | 'hotel' |
transportmedel | 'means of transport' |
fordon | 'vehicle' |
tåg | 'train' |
flygplan | 'airplane' |
skepp | 'ship' |